Monday 7 May 2007

How John Biggs, the GLA man allegedly representing the East End of London, failed to tell the truth on the GLA about the Crossrail hole plot.

AADHIKARonline in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot scheme scam project Bill

AADHIKARonline 10th Edition 2200 Hrs GMT London Bank holiday Monday 7 May 2007

By Muhammad Haque
2150 Hrs GMT
London Monday 7 May 2007

How John Biggs, the GLA man allegedly representing the East End of London, failed to tell the truth on the GLA about the Crossrail hole plot.

In one of the many acts of deception that Biggs engages in to keep his career and show the main CrossRail hole plot tout, Undone Mayor Ken Livingstone, is to say as little about Crossrail as possible.

This has been the case throughout the past 40 months that the Khoodeelaar! Movement has existed against the CrossRail assault on the East End.

To get a measure of why a movement like Khoodeelaar! has had to be established and has had to exist to defend the community against Big Business set agenda being pursued by the controllers of decision making machinery of the entire Blaired British state, it is necessary to take a look at what Biggs does when he apparently feigns to report to his alleged ‘constituents’.

The fact of John Biggs record of conduct is that he does not really believe that there is a constituency in essence in the East End of London in whose name he enjoys the perks of his career as a GLA man if to believe in the existence of a constituency is to submit himself to scrutiny by that constituency.

As with everything Blairing and Blaired, the Blaired party – in fact the former Labour Party – in the East London borough of Tower Hamlets which is where John Biggs is actually resident – has no system of accountability even within its own ranks. The only audit, the only accounts that they know and recognise are those that keep the squaddies in place as Blaired cronies, lackeys and time-servers. There to deceive and disrespect the people.

That is why there is no evidence that over the past 40 months of the existence of the Khoodeelaar! Movement against Crossrail hole plot against the Eats End of London, there has been any occasion when John Biggs has been caused to submit himself to giving a full written and comprehensive account as to what his role has been in the Crossrail hole plot against the very community in whose name he makes, renews and keeps his personal career.

All the Crossrail hole plot touts now included in the controlling clique on Tower Hamlets council are de facto mates and pals of John Biggs.

Some of those are or have been his rivals, such as has been witnessed over the past 3 months when Biggs tried to get selected as the Blair party nominee [‘prospective parliamentary candidate’ for ‘Bethnal Green and Bow’] to revive the spectre of Oona King [they have devised another ploy to do that – I shall examine it and say more on that ploy in a later commentary, here in the week staring on Tuesday 8 May 2007] .

But that rivalry is not real. That is a rivalry between mates. They are on the same side. Against the community. Against the people. Against what sued to be the core of the main support among ordinary East Enders.

That is why Biggs has been back in business following his being rejected in favour of a more stark Oona King proposal.

To see just how comfortably Biggs is with his ‘rivals’, let’s take a look at the total number of words that was recorded in one alleged minutes in 2004 of the former Labour Party now totally Blaired.

“6. London Assembly Report
6.1. John Biggs thanked all those who had worked for his campaign
6.2 Provided a verbal update on Crossrail and housing.”

[To be continued]

The Muhammad Haque daily [economic] commentary

Exposing the insanity of Crossrail hole plot-backer Matthew Parris - a truly insecure, flawed individual whose racist venom against the people who refused to vote for Oona King at the May 2005 general elections overwhelmed him to call for Crossrail to be used as a tool to punish the people of the East End with!
As the BBC, which is operated with money forced out of people many of whom can’t afford to pay it, keeps giving platforms to brazen liars like Matthew Parris who has taken to boasting that he – he multiplies his lie by saying ‘those of us who opposed the Iraq war’ [he did no such thing, in fact the opposite], it is increasingly necessary to expose this lethal lie. Not just because the liars have now realised that their lie against the people of Iraq can not longer be used by them as a career card. It is also because ‘at home in Britain’ these same liars are also threatening the human rights of people whose homes and communities they are trying to destroy. As is the case with the Crossrail hole plot against the East End of London…

2125 Hrs GMT London [Bank holiday] Monday 7 May 2007
The crassness at the core of the Crossrail ‘hole plot scam, scheme, project’ Bill has been the main reason why I have said for 40 months now, that the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against CrossRail hole plot should be heeded to and the Crossrail Bill as it is now, should be scrapped.
Although we created the Khoodeelaar! Movement initially to defend the Brick Lane, Whitechapel Stepney area against the immediate horrendous and lasting destructive attacks by Big Business and their key promoter, the 'Undone mayor' Ken Livingstone and his co-peddlers [including those installed by the City of Londo0n interests on the City of London corporation notably the Snyder element] via Crossrail on this area of inner city London, the package contained in the present ‘Crossrail Bill’ [which as put before the UK House of Commons in February 2005, 13 months after our campaign against the plot had begun] lacks economic, environmental and financial credibility. It therefore falls on those real criteria as applicable to the entirely of the metropolis that the plan is supposed to affect.
Throughout the past 40 months of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the Crossrail hole plot, we have undertaken daily examination of every single aspect of the ‘arguments’ as advanced by touts and agents paid from the UK public funds but active in the promotion of Big Business interest! We have been representing our opposition from the ground and all the costs of our research, our audit, scrutiny and writing and publishing are being borne by ourselves. As our campaign is one of ethics, morality and principle, we are not paid by anyone. And we do not want to be paid for what we have been doing for 40 months. We expose the claims made by the peddlers for the highly fundamentally flawed Crossrail hole project. As we have pointed out in the past, one of the propagandists for CrossRail hole is a racist man called Matthew Parris. Those who suffer the propaganda slots of the BBC will be familiar with his name and his cringe-making voice and even more embarrassing postures on TV. Based on the evidence of his touting for various interests and prejudices over the years of his manifestly petty career it is independently and objectively demonstrable that Matthew Parris is as flawed about humanity and human conditions as is the CRASSrail hole plot that he has been insanely backing. His insanity is not exceptional. Nor is it a state that can be remotely compared with what in the language of English criminal law is known as the 'McNaghten Rules' syndrome. Matthew Parries is like Ken Livingstone quite deeply insecure and is in need of constant attention. It is the one thing that dominates his psyche. So to get the attention he – and Livingstone – individually, craves, they will say anything as long as it is capable of drawing attention. This is why Parris said a few months back that he would CHEER Ken Livingstone to declare that he, Livingstone would run again for London mayor as an ‘independent Tory’! Parris made the only ‘factual’ comment as the alleged reason for his backing for the ‘Undone mayor’ and that was that to him [Matthew Parris] Livingstone was a true believer in Crossrail!
As if this Crossrail plot was another universally applicable religious phenomenon! Or a cult! And not one of MANY intellectual ‘solutions’ to the mess that is the UK transport system.
Why was Matthew parries citing Crossrail in a religious, fanatic way?
Had Parris been converted to a fundamental religious cult?
Or perhaps he had been unfenced by George Galloway?
The Galloway link to Matthew Parris - or, to be factually accurate, the Matthew Parris link of hatred against George Galloway - is even more telling about the insanity of Parris and anyone else who is still ‘thinking’ of promoting the CRASSrail hole plot.
Parris is a deeply reactionary man. His personal background has a lot to do with the way he champions racist and reactionary forces.
In the run up to the UK general elections held in May 2005, almost ALL the mainstream trendies working for the British rightwing establishment – most of these trendies had replaced their counterparts of the 1970s and the 1980s and were openly racist, reactionary and Zionist – went out of their way to deride George Galloway. Galloway’s offence in their eyes was that he was standing for election to the UK House of Commons from the constituency of Bethnal Green and Bow. That seat was then occupied by one of Tony Blair’s alleged ‘Babes’, a woman that the late time-serving trendy Tony Bonkers Banks praised to the outer space when he condemned Galloway on the British TV 'election results' programmes for replacing her on the morning after the election.
And within a short time after that election, Matthew Parris wrote an unconcealed piece of racist incitement.
Parris said that Tony Blair should now drive the Crossrail hole through Brick Lane! Why? His answer was, ‘they voted for Galloway, didn’t’ they?’
Parris was in one brief sentence exposing as sham the billions words of propaganda about the sanctity of parliament, of the sanctity of the ‘British electoral system’ the sanctity of the ‘British commentator’
Parris was saying that the electors of Bethnal Green and Bow should be PUNISHED by imposing the Crossrail hole upon the area! It was nothing to do with any economics. Nothing to do with bringing regeneration. It was to degenerate the area. To destroy it. To devastate and to displace the people. The people among whom are so many culprits that dared to vote Oona King out and bring in George Galloway….

Parris is known to have been a British Tory MP. Whilst he was an MP, he posed for about a week as a person on the dole and then turned that offensively fake evidence to justify making all manner of claims about poverty, about class and about society as a whole. Whilst he was doing the pretending for a week, he was of course also acting as a 'journalist' and had the backing of the entire mainstream British media, print radio and TV [those were the days before the mass use of the internet was not even known, let alone practised by anyone outside of the main USA and Pentagon-centred operatives mostly keeping their use of the internet secret]…..

[To be continued]